Fort Pierce Trivia Challenge

See how many of these 5 questions you can answer correctly!

Complete the Quiz and Receive 10% off a meal at Sailfish Brewery Trivia Night.

Welcome to Fort Pierce! How much do you know about Fort Pierce, Florida? 


1 / 6

How did Fort Pierce get its name?

2 / 6

How many cities in America are called Fort Pierce?

3 / 6

Who are the Florida Highwaymen from Fort Pierce?

4 / 6

Which of the is NOT a museum in Fort Pierce?

5 / 6

Why is Fort Pierce called "The Sunrise City"?

6 / 6

Thank you for participating in the Fort Pierce Trivia Challenge. Scan for a coupon for 10% off any meal at Sailfish Brewery on Trivia Night.

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The average score is 41%
